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Bike Program

Trips for Kids Erie

SSJNN is a local chapter of Trips For Kids

Trips for Kids is a national organization that currently has  44 chapters in the US and 4 in Canada.   See a complete map for all locations.

The vison of Trips for Kids is having a world where kids from all walks of life have the opportunity to know the joy of riding a bike and the freedom to explore the natural world on two wheels. 

Locally our program has these program offerings: 

Pedal Mettle

Pedal Mettle is an “Earn-A-Bike” Program for youth! Youth have the unique opportunity to earn a bike after attending a workshop or mentoring sessions were youth learn about bike repair, safety and maintenance. They are able to take home a bike of their own. Workshops are offered for youth who live in our service area in two sections: Age 8-11 years old and age 12-17.

Definition of Mettle: a person’s ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way.

Bike Rides for Youth

We organize trips for your kids to explore the neighborhood and the surrounding areas. In order to make it accessible for everyone, we try organize these rides during school vacations. The encounter of the environment on a bike is an enriching experience.

Bike ReCyclery

Youth and Adults can come and use our tools and the expertise from our volunteers to repair your own bike. To schedule an appointment call 814.454.7814 ext 302. Work on your own bike independently or ask for assistance.

Adults can also earn a bike by volunteering at the recyclery, earning points toward a bike. With a money donation bikes also can be purchased.

Public Bike Repair Stand at 436 East 26th Street

Get Involved

Visit Bike Erie to find local bike events, info about bike safety, a list of all public bike repair stands and more.


Call to find out about drop-off times and place.


Call for workshop dates for youth and availability for adults.